Most of you may or may not know that I'm very opinionated about a lot of subjects. Well, those of you don't know will soon know in force. This is my page specially created for the purpose of me and others who wish to do so posting our opinions and philosophies. Most of the editorials will be done by me, but if you wish to post an editorial, please e-mail me at [email protected]. I will personally review them, and if I think they are not offensive, I'll post them ASAP. Here are the rules:
1. All editorals must be in text or HTML file format. (Please no Word documents; not everyone can read them.)
2. No swearing, suggestive language, racial slurs, or references to personal drug/alcohol abuse. References to violence toward an organization/person are not allowed under any circumstances.
3. Company/government bashing is allowed if it's not done maliciously.
4. As soon as they are recieved by me, they become my property to do with as I please. That means I have the right not to publish your editorial if I feel it is not worth it.
5. Please include your name and date created above the title (titles are required) of your editorial. Page numbers are optional.
6. Above all, please use common sense. If it's not something you'd feel proud to have posted, don't send it!
As long as you follow the rules, the chances are good that I'll publish your editorial. And remember, I will follow these rules as well, so please do likewise.